About Us

I know what you are thinking. Why Design Chicks? You should be called Universe Shatterers or Mind Blowing Psychic Power Heroes…or something else like that but more catchy. The word “chicks” is so anti-feminist! You guys are pro-feminist! What gives? Also do you even design stuff?

Let us tell you a little back story. It will all make sense. 

We were born and raised on separate chicken farms. Crazy coincidence right? RIGHT! From a young age we were both in charge of caring for the young chicks on the farm. We also both started our own chick fashion line that failed miserably but we don’t like to talk about that much.

Despite our eerily similar upbringing, we only finally met when we both worked at a magazine publishing company. We were designers. This was a long time ago, when magazines were still cool. It was before i-Phones were really big. Actually fun fact, we were together the day the i-Pad was announced. Ancient times, right?  

So “Design” stems from our design background and how we met and “Chicks” stems from essentially both being raised by chickens.  So don’t stress. We are pro-female, pro-chicken & pro-creative. 


  1. I set out this morning to find the best and most popular blog on the Internet.

    Easy day. Thanks, guys!

  2. (Please use the same melody as “If I were a boy” by Beyonce) If I were a girl…. I would like to be exactly like you guys!!! Cheers

  3. Hey. Rad site and all, but I feel hugely unrepresented as a indo-mexican food loving, nickel back dreaming, cheese slugging, beer totting, son of a bitch. What ever happened to equality. I expected more from Chill designers. Just sayin’.
    PS. ok fine. its awesome.

  4. Hey. Rad site and all, but I feel hugely unrepresented as a indo-mexican food loving, nickel back dreaming, cheese slugging, beer totting, son of a bitch. What ever happened to equality. I expected more from Chill designers. Just sayin’.PS. ok fine. its awesome.

  5. I like your blog as well. Always nice to know nice looking young women drop by mine from time to time. = )
    Capt. Don

  6. oh my god this blog is hilarious!!!!! I can’t stop reading it. Clearly you guys have some sort of psychic powers. 100% of my horoscopes have come true! As if! Keep up the blogging!

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